Contentful overview video

Contentful overview video

Diving into the Contentful animation project was like tackling a puzzle. The platform is this cool, composable content manager that lets you have full control of so many moving parts of your business, but man, it's got so complex that it's like decoding a secret language.

So tasked to animate this explainer video we figured, let's keep it abstract. No deep dives or intricate explaining that will scare viewers away. The idea was to make a video that's like a teaser – just enough to get you curious and wanting more. We knew a single video wouldn't turn someone into a Contentful expert, but it could spark some interest

















For the vibe – we went for a more playful approach to match the brand's colors. We also leveraged these high-contrast colors as a visual cue, signifying transitions between topics/chapters. Because Contentful has these three core pillars, we tied each color to a pillar, helping viewers understand where they are in the video. This approach allowed us to make this complex story into bite-sized, fun, and understandable chapters.

For the vibe – we went for a more playful approach to match the brand's colors. We also leveraged these high-contrast colors as a visual cue, signifying transitions between topics/chapters. Because Contentful has these three core pillars, we tied each color to a pillar, helping viewers understand where they are in the video. This approach allowed us to make this complex story into bite-sized, fun, and understandable chapters.

The animations had to be lively, and seeing early on in our design meetings that we would be using a lot of avatars in this video —you guessed it— I started building a rig for them where I could consolidate all those layers into one composition and use that single comp layer to control all the properties I'd need to animate for the avatar. That way, I can spend more time honing in the animations and creating characters to reflect each user on their clicks and as they direct you through the video, and not just a cursor moving along the screen. Aside from merging all the layers into one, this rig's main objective was to have total control over how everything moves – cursor clicks, spins, delays, color, and what avatar is displayed. All this, packed into one layer, made adding more avatars a breeze and tweaking stuff super easy. Ultimately, this innovative approach was pivotal in meeting our project deadline, enabling me to allocate valuable time to other critical aspects of the animation.

The animations had to be lively, and seeing early on in our design meetings that we would be using a lot of avatars in this video —you guessed it— I started building a rig for them where I could consolidate all those layers into one composition and use that single comp layer to control all the properties I'd need to animate for the avatar. That way, I can spend more time honing in the animations and creating characters to reflect each user on their clicks and as they direct you through the video, and not just a cursor moving along the screen. Aside from merging all the layers into one, this rig's main objective was to have total control over how everything moves – cursor clicks, spins, delays, color, and what avatar is displayed. All this, packed into one layer, made adding more avatars a breeze and tweaking stuff super easy. Ultimately, this innovative approach was pivotal in meeting our project deadline, enabling me to allocate valuable time to other critical aspects of the animation.

The success of the video resonated strongly with the team and even more so... the clients. Exceeding all their expectations. Initially commissioned for an overview video, its impact was such that they decided to feature it prominently as the main website video.

The success of the video resonated strongly with the team and even more so... the clients. Exceeding all their expectations. Initially commissioned for an overview video, its impact was such that they decided to feature it prominently as the main website video.



Design Partner

Design Partner

James Ayres

James Ayres

Motion Director

Motion Director



Design Lead

Design Lead

Ryan Luy

Ryan Luy

Lead PM

Lead PM

Beth Watson

Beth Watson



Danielle Juncal

Danielle Juncal



Josh Eck

Josh Eck



Tish Tolentino

Tish Tolentino

Design Director

Design Director

Jordan Sowers

Jordan Sowers

Writing Director

Writing Director

Nick Parish

Nick Parish